Bird Journal v2.2 - Point Release

We are pleased to announce the official release of Bird Journal version 2.2. The point release includes fixes to problems people were having with version 2.1.

What’s changed in Bird Journal version 2.2:

New feature:
  • Taxonomic ordering. The default order is set to taxonomic; if you prefer to switch back to alphabetic go to the options menu - personalisation – ordering.

Bugs fixed:

  • The primary taxonomy was ignored, and Clements used instead, for the Continent edition.
  • Using the TAB key on species entry causes count not to be recorded.
  • The Edit Locations button was incorrectly still shown on the Edit Locations screen, when the windows text size is lower than normal.
  • Applying a location filter to a checklist filter, could make the number of species increase.
  • The species entry box had small inaccuracies in ordering.
  • Sometimes the options file would not be correctly saved.
  • Crash during import, where both a sighting and entry property in the database have the same name.
  • Crash during import, where some unusual characters are present in the file.
  • Crash during import, with large numbers of locations with differing case.
  • Problem during import, where the subspecies parts of scientific names were ignored, when in their own column.
  • Rare problem, where a screen may be shown invisibly, giving the impression that the software has stopped working.

Bird Journal version 2 users are entitled to a free upgrade and an email will be sent to you with the upgrade details.  If you have not received this email feel free to get in touch.

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