First taxonomy updates live!

Taxonomy updates in Bird Journal are long overdue. The last three months have been spent preparing the first major updates and ensuring the experience is as smooth as possible. You may have noticed a few app updates recently to support this.

Going forward we intend to stay up-to-date and release updates frequently. As of today, updates are available for both:
  • IOC 6.2 - April 2016
  • BOU 45 (incl. recent additions) - July 2016
Updates are installed from the library. If you're using the version 5 desktop app, you'll see a notification badge telling you how many updates are ready to install:

Open the library, select the Updates tab and press Update All.

Updates are mostly automatic, but in some cases you will need to review and make changes. The user interface will guide you through this, and more guidance can be found in our supporting article "Taxonomy updates, how-to".

Other taxonomies will follow with the Clements taxonomy next.

EDIT: If you don't see the updates in the library that you would expect, please make sure you've installed the latest versions of the Bird Journal apps.

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